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April 26th, 2022

The agriculture of tomorrow will be on a human scale | BESIDE

by Miels d'Anicet

Photos — Eliane Cadieux

Whether in beekeeping, market gardening, maple syrup or small-scale animal production, all artisans of the earth face a constantly changing environment and increasingly strong environmental pressures.

Our beekeeping at Miels d’Anicet is no exception and we are constantly working to meet the needs of bees with as little intervention as possible.

Jean-Martin Fortier, a pioneer in small-scale vegetable farming in Quebec, sums up well the complexity of the work of farmers whose goal is to feed people, as healthily as possible. We embrace this vision, that the future of agriculture will be small scale.

“Each farmer faces different challenges. But we are united by a common mission: to work with the forces of nature rather than fighting them with chemicals.”

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Tomorrow’s agriculture will be on a human scale | BESIDE

Text by Jean-Martin Fortier

Photos by Eliane Cadieux
